Saturday, July 20, 2013


Convention 2013!

My first time at convention was so wonderful! I met so many nice people and had a blast at all the sessions!

This really is a fun group of ladies and gents!

I learned so much and have come away completely inspired to better my business and share some gorgeous creations with my customers!

There were so many display boards with lovely creations including FOUR of my Artisan Entry cards!!! Can you believe it? Four of them!

My 3D picture on the display boards!!!

I even won Prize Patrol!

I will share the other boards later after I have the chance to edit my photos. My hubby and I have headed off to Las Vegas for a couple of days before heading home.

I just really want to point out that convention is such a wonderful experience. You learn techniques, get inspiration, learn really helpful and inspiring business tips, and meet so many new people. It really is worth the trip if you can!

I had such a great time, and now I am just totally exhausted form all the excitement and travel. Now we are off to get to our hotel and sleep...