Sunday, June 12, 2011


Recipie Swap

Are you interested in trying new recipies? Do you like swaps where you make multiples of one sample, mail them out, and receive lots of different and individual samples in return? Well how about joining a recipie swap?

Each person in the swap will make 5 (or however many needed for each person to get one) identical 6 in. x 6 in. recipie pages using whatever supplies you like. The recipie can be whatever you want to share; dessert, main dishes, sides, salads, appetizers, or any recipie that you would like to share!

Currently there are only two people interested in the swap and we are looking for more who want to join in on the fun and receive several recipies in the mail that you can try out!

If you are interested in joining please e-mail!

You can visit Ivy's wonderful blog by clicking HERE.