Friday, January 23, 2015


Something Exciting!

Guess what?!? No really... guess. You may or may not have noticed something new in my sidebar to the right. Okay, okay. I'll give you a hint. Here is what I'm talking about...

I'm the Owner and Editor of Craft Storage Ideas!

I'm a contributor on the Craft Storage Ideas website! Yay! (insert silly looking happy dance here) HERE is the post where I was officially introduced. I am so absolutely totally and completely excited about this opportunity to join the fabulous ladies at Craft Storage Ideas! So I will be sharing a variety of craft room organization tips and roundups and such over there and here!

I challenge you to get your crafty spaces whipped into shape one week at a time so you can find your supplies and spend more time creating than you do searching for things. My blog series on organizing your supplies won't start for another couple of weeks, but today you can check out my post on Craft Storage Ideas by clicking HERE.

Let me know what you think about the post by leaving me a comment either here or there. I love to hear your opinion!