Monday, July 14, 2014


Dressed Up Desk Organizer DIY

I scored this fabulous desk organizer at a flea market recently and wanted to dress it up a bit. The dark faux wood was just not doing it for me. So I took some Krylon Gloss White spray paint and went to town. I didn't get a before picture of it, but it is exactly like this one that I found on Etsy. But I managed to snag mine for just $5. 

It has some great leaf detail on the front that looks like carved wood. Such a fun pattern and texture as long as you can see past that ugly faux wood coloring it originally had. 

So after cleaning it up with some soap and water and letting it dry I sprayed several coats of Krylon Gloss White spray paint until it was nice and covered. I think it was four or five thin coats. 

I took some retired designer series paper and cut it down to 3" long, then cut it to the width of each of the sections in the organizer. A little bit of DecoArt Decou-Page did the trick to glue down the patterned paper. Then I coated the entire thing with about four coats of a Krylon gloss sealer. 

Now it just sits pretty holding lots of my tools on my work table! I love being able to give new life to things that might otherwise end up in the landfill. 

Have you been working on any upcycling lately? Or DIYing any garage sale finds?