Sunday, January 19, 2014


Music Mixed Media Artwork

Here is a music inspired mixed media art piece that I made for a Christmas present. I had a lot of fun working on the different layers of this one. I would work on it for about 30 minutes here and there each time adding something wonderful. Sometimes I don't see the finished product in my head. I think that is one reason why I am enjoying exploring mixed media because i just start adding things to a page. Maybe stop and start on it 10 different times and it kind of evolves on its own. That is how this piece came about. 

I started by painting an 11" x 14" canvas with Midnight Blue DecoArt acrylic paint then decoupaged some torn pieces of old sheet music I had lying around in a pile that was originally intended for the trash can. Then I used some molding past with a palate knife to freehand the treble clef.

I brushed on some thinned down Titanium White paint and then some Whispering Turquoise working from left to right. I also stenciled on more Whispering turquoise in the bottom right corner. I decoupaged on some retired Stampin' Up Mica Flakes in the upper right hand corner to give it some sparkle.

Then added the doodled swirls with a Sharpie permanent marker. Finally I added the wood banners in the upper right hand corner and then the words on the doodles with a fine point Sharpie permanent marker.

I felt it was finished at this point and popped it into a black picture frame and wrapped it up. So. Much. Fun!