My Craft Studio

I've had a few requests to share my craft room photos recently. I was going to wait until it was cleaned up to do this, but then my craft room is never totally clean. I would like to have everything completely organized with a place for everything and everything in it's place. Its not finished yet, but it will get there someday. Anyway here goes:

 I applied the Dandelion Decor Elements (retired) to the sliding glass door that seperates my craft room and the family room. The section of the house with my craft room and sunroom was an addition to the house and the owners at the time just left the sliding glass door there. I'm glad they did because I really like it.

The hanging fruit basket holds all of my various adhesives. Its a great way to keep them all in one place and within reach of where I normally work.

This is the corner to the left of the door. It is really a pile of various crafting supplies. The plastic drawers hold my scraps right now. Eventually I will have a counter in this cubby to hold my electronic cutter and paper cutters. I will have shelves above to hold my textbooks, magazines, and maybe my dolls.

This is the wonderful craft island that my hubby built for me. It has drawers on one side and shelves on the other side.

This is the ribbon rack that my hubby made for me to house all of my various ribbons. The bottom shelf is for my current SU ribbon. I need to stock up, I don't have that much right now.

There was a table here and most of this stuff was underneath it, but I needed the table for the First City Festival booth. But hubby promised to put in my countertop here this weekend or next weekend. We already have the roll of laminate sitting in the garage.

I'm currently preparing for the make and take this week, which is why the island top is covered in plastic bins with stampin' supplies. The purple mat is a stamping mat that I purchased online. I always work on one of these! They are wonderful.

The outside window and the cable modem on the floor.

This is another piece of furniture that hubby built for me. I liked the "cube" style of the shelves I've seen on Ikea, but since we don't have one near by I asked him to build it for me. The white shelves were already there before the book case was, and now they look incredibly cheap. So I will be taking them down and replacing them with some other kind of shelf.

This room is long and skinny, about 12' x 24'. See how bright it is? This photo was taken at 10:00 PM. I love all of the lights. It makes it really easy to see what you are doing and it makes it easy to take a great looking photograph. The little outdoor bistro table is just a catch-all that I periodically clean off.

So here's to being creative, and messy. I do hope to have some time soon to go through things and clean up a bit. I'll make sure to update you when it is all finished and somewhat organized. I hope you've enjoyed touring my craft room! Have fun stamping!